Saturday, February 18, 2012

Water Art

On the 5th of this month, I had my "Water Mickey" training class. It's a class where you sit in a room with other custodial cast members who are interested in being taught how to draw Disney characters with their pan and broom. For the first 1 and a half we practiced how to draw Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. It was so MUCH fun! I got paid to draw Disney characters...and on top of that I was in an air conditioned room when it was so humidly hot outside. Perfect day for training!

None of us enjoyed doing Minnie...her bow is TORTURE! Nick and Andres (two of my custodial cast members) got Mickey down so well they started racing to see who can draw him the fastest. Haha, they are a laugh! Nick was the one that wrote A next to my Minnie because he thought I had really mastered getting her down, but it really does look horrible!

This is my best Mickey, I find him really hard to draw on paper because the proportions never match up. But surprisingly I can easily do it on the pavement with my broom!

Donald is without a doubt my favorite to draw! He is so much fun and CUTE, and at first he was a little challenging, but I got it down! And I'm the only one in the class that managed to do him on the pavement so I might be the only one in the park to be certified to do water Donald's! How cool is that?

Goofy is the hardest, out of all of the characters, to draw. There are so many steps that most of the custodial members that are certified for water art don't even draw the time they finish he is vaporized. I got him down on paper, but after the difficulty I had with Donald lasting in the heat I didn't even try him on the pavement.


We all felt comfortable drawing the characters with pen and paper, so our trainer decided it was time to start really practicing! So we filled up our pans with water and walked outside in the blistering heat. Let me tell you, it was so hot and mucky that the second you walked outside you lost your breathe! But we all got to work!

Mickey was EASY so while everyone else was practicing him over and over again I started on Donald. He turned out great! And my trainer was surprised that I even tried him since most people just stick with Mickey since he is the easiest.

I can't wait to keep practicing backstage and then finally going to my manager Diane to see if she thinks I'm ready to start doing this officially on the streets to entertain the guests!

Least to say I'm starting to really love my job!! It was a lot to handle at the beginning, but what new job isn't? Our custodial cast members are such a close-tight group so everyone knows's like a great big family! I no longer feel like a new-be now that "fresh meat" keeps strolling in every week. It's surprising how many people Disney hires and how much hard work they go into just to make each and every moment special for every single guest! I've definitely developed a new-found respect and love for Disney!

Yesterday, the 17th of February I found this in my cubby at work! I feel super official now!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Graphic Design

While watching the "Star Wars" marathon I decided to mess around with Ulead and this is what I came up.

Fun Bowling :)

Anyone rememeber this song??? Hint: Cruise

Do you see the bird? I'm so high up!!